
保时捷新款 Panamera GTS:4.0T V8、500 马力、3.8 秒百公里/小时

Jul 23, 2024

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Americ Energy (CHINA) Co., Ltd. focusing on the import and export business of automobiles and auto parts, as a comprehensive auto service platform providing services around the whole auto industry chain, covering overseas trade, auto finance, car leasing, overseas import and export business, logistics and transportation business. Using a new model to build a comprehensive service provider integrating customers, capital and vehicles at home and abroad . The following are our advantages: 1. We can provide overseas capital allocation; 2. Set up overseas warehouse in Dubai, set up after-sales center in Sharjah, can provide consignment, after-sales, extended warranty services; 3. In Bishkek, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other places can provide after-sales service, customs clearance service, pick-up service, storage service, logistics service, vehicle consignment service; 4. We can provide high-quality used car resources; 5. We can provide some new car special car resources. Contact Information: - Website: [www.auto-ae.com] - Email: [ae@americenergy.com] - Phone: [13521210668] - whatsapp: [13521210668] - Address: [No.298 Fengwei Road, Xishan Development Zone,Wuxi City,Jiangsu Province, China]


联系我们 #
+86 13521210668


11 月 21 日星期一 - 11 月 23 日星期三:上午 9 点 - 晚上 8 点
11 月 24 日星期四:关闭 - 感恩节快乐!
周五 11 月 25 日:上午 8 点 - 晚上 10 点
11 月 26 日星期六 - 11 月 27 日星期日:上午 10 点 - 晚上 9 点


